New to this photography lark

Evo 10 plane Just taken a couple of pics. Need to start playing with the effects any tips? And opinions on first photos please

A good start. Perhaps a little too much aperture in the first image, and a better angle would really have sold the second image but a solid start for sure. It’s all about practice, finding your style and dialing in those settings.

I have a video coming tomorrow explaining the basics which you may find helpful. I already have one video with a few tips, click my sig to go to my gallery, the link is in the first post.

My other tip is simply lookup a few photography tutorials online, you can apply real world principles to the game. Ultimately though, have fun, it shows in people pictures and you’ll want to do it more.

Like I said though, this is a solid start and well done for starting a gallery. I look forward to seeing your work, most people seem to go from good to great very quickly.

That evolution looks nice. I’m new to the vinyl scene myself & as devlin said, tutorial videos do help alot.

Like Devlin said a little too much aperture in the first shot. Also I’d suggest playing with the shutter speed. That’s what will create the sense of speed.

Cool ok nice one guys thanks for the tips I’ll have a play tonight, see what I can come up with

Oh and thanks trinisparta just been playing with vinyls in fm5 so the Evo is my first one for horizon. Mmmmmmm drifting M3. Also the vinyl is on my store front with a different number plate :wink:

abit better I think, still not amazing at least the escort actually looks like it’s moving. Cheers for your help people, practice makes perfect :wink: