My Gallery

These are the first shots where I really put in effort with the lighting and effects. I’m not that good at forzatography yet, so I would appreciate if you could give some feedback.

well I’m happy to be the first to say that your starting set isn’t too shabby for someone who doesn’t know forzatography per-say. For a beginner, you actually seem to have a decent grasp of the effects in this game which is awesome, just a matter of layout. Think of it like what angle you shoot at, the amount of zoom you use, how close to it you are, all of that. Don’t worry, i’m still trying to master that but you have a great start, just keep tinkering with the settings and practicing and you’ll be great in no time!

IR gave some great advice there^ :slight_smile: I really like this shot:

Very nice lighting and feel to it.