Me and my friend are starting up a drag racing club that consists mostly of muscle cars. As of now we are looking for active players that drag race with any muscle car. We are planning to do a cash days and a drag week once we get enough players. We run rwd cars and handmade setups meaning we don’t use setups from the storefront. If anyone is willing to give it a try message me on XBL. My GT is YoungGun171. Looking forward to meeting those that are interested.
Im holding a big Drag Week next week. Anybody is welcomed even if your in a club you can still join. Rules are that there will be two classes. There will be pro mod which will be 900 to 1,031 HP. The second class will be Pro stock which will be 800 to 900 HP. All cars must run RWD. Muscle Cars are permitted for this. We will run four drag tracks and one at Indy. All races will be of course judged by time except the indy drag which will be judged by who passes the line first. If interested please message me on XBL. Winner will get an amount of 25 million to equal up the five drag races.
Depending on the time the races are held I will participate
What time is usually best for you. We were planning to run about 7:30 or 8:30 Central depending if the co leader that is helping me gets on. Also if you have some friends that might be interested in joining they are more than welcome too, the price bumped up to 125 mil so it gives someone that might need money a bank full of cash or they can split it up between friends.
I am in the ( PST ) time zone, I work second shift so week nights no good, on the weekends I am going to be participating in a couple series that will be starting up next two weekends, one is on Saturdays at 14:00 ( 2PM ) PST the other is on Sundays 14:00 ( 2PM ) PST, so your times will work for those days. I will keep a watch on this post for more info you put out on your races.
Starting Tuesday to Friday we will be drag racing 4 circuits. I’m waiting on my friend to be on to discuss our plans, once I have all the plans figured out I’ll message you on facebook. We are still needing drivers for this race. Same time that is posted. Either 7:30 or 8:30.
Interested on Draggin it Out . Im In Texas 7:30 - 8:30 S0unds good to me . BSO Gen Shadow = XBL Tag . Send Request