Need some help with roads. (Can Playground Games/Turn10 help me, maybe?)

Hi, i have a problem with the game, concretely, with roads. I completed all roads, but the game said to me there is one who is not complete. I searched across the map but all roads are colored. So, tired, i decided start a new game trying to doing it better this time. The result is: now left me 2 roads and the map is all colored. I can’t see it because my tv is to bad or the zoom it’s too short for what i need. I came here looking for some help, maybe playground can send me two pictures with a red mark in the area that left me for travel or maybe take a look to my savegame for know if there is a problem with the game. But seriously, this things make me mad and anoying me so much. I hope help from PlayGround Games or Turn10.

If the game said you did not drive all the roads , it is because you did not drive on all the roads :slight_smile:

I had similar issue at first , but remember some roads are tiny, and might be just a small tiny dot on a map, you have most likely missed a dirt road, a small section close to a house most likely .

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My suggestion would be to use the filters on the map to turn off all the points of interest. (From the map screen, pressing LB will bring up the filter menu.) That way, you’ll be able to see roads that would have been covered by a course or a Danger sign or something.

Best of luck.

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There was one that eluded me, it was a farmhouse driveway (a dotted line road). The last segment was camoflaged by the farmhouse itself, look closely at the Yarra Valley area.