need people with created bucket list

need someone with 10 or more or people that have some created bucket list so I can add them and get the achievement cheers

Yeah ive done a few
And they are easy too lol


If all you want is the achievement, add me.

Then go to Waterfall Bridge blueprint (just right of the dam/Yarra festival)

Do my blueprint 10 times and you will get the achievement. I made it very short and easy.

I have one too.

GT is: x Skrewface x

I can create a few more if you need them.
Just drop me a message on Xbox

I’ve got a few up

It seems to be a woefully under utilised feature that I thought would have been a real favourite with the community… we’ve all complained about the lack of event variation and here we have a tool with almost endless permutations…hey ho!

Gamer tag is GlennTheBeard

I find the time investment vs. reward lacking, I guess. Right now I’ve got bigger problems. I don’t drift, but I want the S14. That’s going to be a problem. lol.

The good news is that it seems like you only need 35,000 points instead of 75,000 for that drift challenge. If so, I’m glad they changed it because I suck at drifting!

I got a very easy blueprint at the airport, if you want to add me.GT: Hurricane221798

Enjoi200. Xb1