Need help with something

So it has been like 4 months or so i don’t touch my xbox and for that reason i haven’t play forza sadly(i love that game lol)
And because of that i didn’t bought forza porsche expansion pack from amazon…i just notice that it isn’t available anymore…but microsoft still has it on his store

So my question is if i bought it i will be able to download it? Or not anymore?


I believe it will be a waste of money to buy the pack or code because all downloadable content for Forza 4 and 3 is at end of life. Seen many posts of people upset about not able to get certain cars because the car packs are no longer available. Lot of people wish Turn 10 would of gave them warning before ending the downloadable content or also called dlc.

Forza 4 was not the case…(thats why im asking)

On January alot of people bought it and still was able to download it…and when i bought forza 4 on november…it came with a code and i was able to download it.

That’s why im asking…in case somebody knows…if still will be downloadable

Thanks for the reply anyway.