Pretty pissed , no reason given , never made any expiclit paint jobs or trash talk etc , ridiculous ,never had this happen in 10+ years of Xbox live , played every Forza other then Horizon 1
Sometimes i wreck when ive had enough of a dirty lobby, SO WHAT i can do whatever i want in a game i PAID for, theres no law or rules against it
What a joke, im reporting every 08 Viper in S-class from now on for unsporting behaviour, games full of TCS using manchilds
2 weeks ago i would have disagreed but have experienced false feedback myself. Shame on you turn 10. And whoever locks this thread can pass on to your superior, xbox support are offing refunds to people who recieve bans, because the ban limits a solo feature (not being able to play rivals).
Wrong, your ramming could push other cars into people trying the race, at the end of the race, report, vote to kick, save the replay and share the info with Snowowl on this forum, block the user.
Do not join in with the ramming as you just continue the problem.
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! An eye for an eye in online racing is NEVER a good solution. Yes some idiot might push you off the road. But when you want to take revenge on him there might be several other players who don’t know what happened before and see you wrecking him, so they think YOU are the idiot.
Always keep up a good sportmanship online, be friendly, race friendly, and you will build up a good reputation.
You are sooooo wrong.
The fact that you paid for the game doesn’t give you the right to do whatever you want online.
You agreed to follow the RULES of the CODE OF CODUCT
You failed to follow the rules.
T10 catch you in the act. (and you still have the guts to write “no reason given” and “I wreck” in the same message)
You’re suspended.
When we create our Xbox Live accounts, we read (and hopefully understand) those regulations, and agree to abide by them. Period.
Violations of the rules by doing a whole bunch of things (see the above link), shall result in the offender being removed from the activity in which they’re caused the problem. In the case of the Forza Motorsport/Forza Horizon of games, that can be either online activities because the offender cannot play nice with others, or portions of the game in which they’ve posted inappropriate Designs or Vinyls, OR the entire game.
The regulations for online behavior and user-created items are clearly stated (see above link) in the Code of Conduct. We ALL have been warned Xbox Live has rules, and we’ve agreed to them. If an account is banned temporarily by the account-holder’s own activities, we have all been warned previously, received notices from Xbox Live when the regulations are updated, etc. It is not up to Turn 10 or Xbox Live to constantly remind each of us of the rules.
Administration of the Code by Turn 10 employees for the Forza series is on a per-game basis, and most allow the continued playing of other portions of the game as a benefit for the players. Other games/events are regulated by the Xbox Live Policy Enforcement Team (PET) which (see link above) has consequences of suspension for certain portions or the entirety of Xbox Live access by the accounts/consoles.
The entire purpose of these rules and why they’re in place on Xbox Live is to provide a safe environment where we can all enjoy playing games and socializing without being subjected to things like unsportsmanlike behavior (wrecking) ruining the fun. In the case of the two individuals complaining in this thread, the bans start out at seven days or 168 hours from the time placed. The time in the in-game notification counts downward for the user after which they are free to play the games fully.
The responsibility regarding the rules is that of all of us individually, although some think they can do otherwise, and (see the above link) there are consequences clearly spelled out in the Code of Conduct for violations. Neither individual bans nor the enforcement of the Code of Conduct by Turn 10 employees are discussed on these forums.