hey everyone i just made my first official drift video and i was hoping everyone could go ad check it out and give me some feed back and subscribe to me also for more videos like that one so i hope you guys enjoy
thanks again and enjoy
claps you need to keep doing what your doing and KDF add some reverse’s and more vroom vroom then your all set with your Onamonapias and less video stopping into picture :o
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Great work!
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It was a good video man but try a RWD setup because that is where the fun really is. And before this gets blown out of proportion I am not saying AWD drifting is bad. I do it myself. But i would like to see your RWD drifts. Me personally I like playing in AWD Cars. Hit me up and we can tandem and have some fun. Nice chill song to I kinda liked it.
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I aint even gonna lie. You kind of got me wanting to do this. It seems fun
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