Multiplayer is glitched

C Class lobbies stuck on one track - Sebring at night

Ahh, so it’s happening in other classes too…good to know…now I don’t have to check it out. S class is doing the same thing.

I expect more from spending this kind of money. Broken lobbies. Disconnect all the time. Horrible mic issues. Now you can run any car in s lobbies. Not only are the hopper lobbies undrivable now my s has to race x and p class. Hard enough avoiding the idiots


Seems this is happening in all lobbies. Tracks aren’t rotating and you can drive whatever car you want no matter what class lobby you are in.

It seems you can run any class car in any lobby. Want to run an S class viper in a B class lobby? Sure why not. Also it seems the same few tracks are in a rotation. Since when do we run 3 laps in B class on the la mans full circuit.


Ok, so I’m going into the E class ghost lobby to continue with my races and I see not 1 but MULTIPLE people with ANY class car- as if that weren’t enough, the “ghost” factor for why many come to this specific lobby is disabled . So essentially the E class ghost league is now OPEN ANY CLASS AND ALSO COLLISIONS ON!!! REALLY??! Add to that the same 4 courses being the only and you have ALOT of ppl that are rightfully upset. $100 to be able to race and Id get better races on GTA5 than forza at the moment .

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Yep, everything is screwed up in MP right now. All classes and all race rotations. I am liking the full Lemans circuit. Don’t normally run that in S class.

Yeah it’s busted at the moment, in a working A class lobby, but the only track is Road America West Alt. When the vote comes up, RA West Alt is shown for both options. If we vote random, we get RA West Alt. Road America!

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The event leagues are also messed up…just ran my CTS-V in the executive heavyweight against the McClaren and didn’t even get any points…so much for this weeks league score…Well Turn-10, looks like I’ll go back to World of Tanks while you deal with this issue…gotta release the frustration by blowing up tanks

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These kinds of posts should be up in the support part of the Forum here:

Also, someone already started a thread:

[Mod Edit - Spam removed - D]



Seriously, though. Those online glitches are SO embarrassing. Random disconnects, the inability to join multiplayer, etc. And now the leagues are messed up and restrictions not enforced. Lucky for Turn 10 that people are so addicted to playing this game, I guess. Many people will probably think twice about buying any follow-up games if this doesn’t get better soon.

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Yeah, this is seriously messed up right now. No points at all in a league because some folks are allowed to run X class cars against A class? Boooohhhhhh! Please fix it ASAP, Turn10 / Microsoft!

lololololol what the hell is going on? I’m in a A class lobby and there are lots of players with R,P and X cars.

The only good thing is that I can finally race on Le Mans and Top Gear (because for some unknown reason T10 never include all tracks in all classes lobbies)

Well i didnt know there was going to be an update last night and didnt play. So i turn on my xbox for my racing fix and this is the crap i get … xclass in b class lobby and the rotation stuck on stupid.

Nice … very well done Turn 10… you guys have outdone yourselves…

ugh… i cant even…

whatever … on to the next …

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ok well I apologize,wanted to let you all know asap, so i posted under general FM6. I was just sick to my stomach when I saw 1 of the main offenders has taken 1st place on the leaderboard by using X class in what is supposed to be E class only.

Forza 5 is also affected.

I didn’t even think it was possible to break a game this badly just tossing in a simple update lol.

And this happens during the weekend, again!! Like when the multiplayer stopped working completely.

Oh the chaos…if only we had I don’t know say searchable public lobby’s…shame nobody’s thought of asking for it