More Active Aerospace

With the exception of the aforementioned hot air balloons, the skies seem oddly devoid of life, especially in free roam. It’d be cool if helicopters, airplanes, and drones could be seen overhead more often outside of particular events.

The moon is also poor in this game. It was far more visible in FH4. Here its totally stationary and I don’t think its possible to see it other than in camera/drone view.

Yeah an aircraft flying over would be a nice touch. It only need be small & distant in the sky.


We had drones and other flying stuffs in FH3, so is not like it can’t be done


I agree! Outside of events, we never see helicopters recording/reporting on what’s going on at the Festival. Also, the drones from Forza Horizon 3 need to come back, it helped the world feel more alive, like your car was being recorded and whatnot.