Million dollar laps

Looking for someone to do some quick one lap races to help me knock out the achievement for doing a multiplayer race on every track. I have 30 or 40 left and am getting tired of going in and out of lobbies looking for these tracks. I’ll pay 1 million credits for every track you help me get. Message gt: M16phenom

You want to pay 30 or 40 million cr (30 or 40 tracks x 1 million)? You have driver level 0, how did you get these credits?

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The gt I play under is M16phenom. That driver level is up to 230. Ibanezjester is an old profile I no longer use

I can help you.

What timezone you are in ?

And when do you want to play ?

I have time the whole next week.

I’m not interested in the money but if you’re that desperate I’ll help you out. Send me an invite sometime you’re on Xbox and I’ll sit in with you. No charge lol.

I 'll give you a hand with it also. Stig978 is my GT.

I’m it eastern time zone. I’m usually on every evening from 4pm to 8pm and like 11pm on weekends. I’ll be in touch, thanks all.

HUGE thanks to Ali JCW. Helped me get all 42 races and wouldn’t take anything in return. I would have gave this dude 50 mil…

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About that… He changed his mind and asked me to hold on to the money for him so send it this way. :)~

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Did he now? Ali JCW must be an absolute swine lol.



So two player private lobby will trigger all tracks achievement?

2 players are enough to start a private lobby. Fastest way is to set a timed race for 30 seconds on each track variation in turn.

I’m more than happy to sit in with other folks if they desperately need someone. Just send me an invite if you are on when I am and I’ll do my best to help you. Don’t worry I don’t look for anything in return.