Make the game more fun for the cruisers please

Cruises have died off of this game. I cant quite pinpoint what exactly caused it, but its unfortunate.

What do you suggest?

A map not made for the Eliminator would be a good start.

Better indication of dirt roads. (For wheel users specifically because man do we feel it haha)

A far cry, but maybe a way to toggle lights or something. I get that finding button arrangements that work for that could be a task, but TD has shown that you can.

The Link system to return more inline with how it was in FH4.

Maybe even narrower roads. These wide roads make you want to speed, I know it’s a racing game, but it could also add to the realism vibes.

A proper city with a gas station or carpark for us to meet up and drive from.

I’m a diehard fan of this game haha, I started on the OG Motorsport, but Forza Horizon really sunk its teeth into me. I hate to see how few people are hosting or willing to join cruises anymore. The game just doesn’t feel like Horizon used to.

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A car lobby, a place to meet up is classic idea and your idea on carpark is nice and a open garage you can look in where someone is painting a car or wanting to display a painted car and another person can view the car.

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