Make our own playlist?

Do you think we’ll be able to make our own playlist of music instead of having to switch radio stations everytime a bad song comes on? I’m posting all the Radio stations on my YouTube channel and tbh, there aren’t that many good songs… Maybe i’ll have a different point of view on them when I’m actually driving in-game, but for now I’m stuck wondering why they were picked. :confused:

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Nope dont think the Xbox One has the ability.

I think the OP means in game. I actually asked Ralph Fulton about this via twitter but he hasn’t said anything.

Alright sweet! Hopefully he reply’s soon haha it’d be nice to know

For me it’s just extra special to finally hear that song again :slight_smile:

This is actually one of the only thing I’m genuinely worried about.

I’m an “old-skool rocker”, who prefers classic rock, 80s metal, glam, that sort of thing. To me, FH1’s soundtrack was simply atrocious. The ability to make my OWN playlist outside the game, chock-full of Iron Maiden, Mötorhead and Deep Purple, greatly enhanced my enjoyment of FH1, and other games (listening to Manowar while playing Skyrim is almost a religious experience).

What am I gonna do now? I’m flabbergasted that XB1 doesn’t have this feature (among others).

Yeah, it’d be sick if you can make your own playlist on the Xbox itself and have that music play in the background while you’re driving in Horizon 2, but I meant in-game. Like you can take say 50 songs you like out of the whole selection of music and say, put that into your in-game phone ( just an example) And play all the music you like from there, and it would even be cool if you could skip songs aswell

No worries, I got what you meant bro.

My point was I didn’t like ANY of the music in FH1 much. So, I had to use the 360’s in-built media player to fashion my own rock & metal station, something my XB1 can’t do (for shame!).

Since the same bloke who made FH1’s playlists is in charge of FH2’s soundtrack, I’m not looking forward to it.

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Ahh alright man, and tbh Horizon XS isin’t all that bad… I just went through it and made a video for my channel playing the full soundtrack and after re-listening to it, its not that bad yes there are a few songs that left me smh but like 80% of it is pretty good

Another step backwards with the “newer:” hardware and software? Is this just a byproduct of not allowing users access to gamesaves and the like or was it removed for other reasons? I enjoy listening to the cars and the in-game environment but I too enjoyed just turning off the radio in fH1 and playing my own music. If you mute the game to listen to music from another source there is a lot you miss out on. Regardless of how you feel about it, after a while you just get tired of listening to the same music and want a change.

Did he just say…Manowar?

OK, Big Mek - whatever team you are on, I’m on.


“…with swords in the wind, hail, gods of WAR!”

Big Mek, if you haven’t already, check out Van Canto’s version of “Kings of Metal” on Youtube. Except for the drums, every other sound is vocal. It’s awesome - trust me.

OK, back on topic…

Like many, I would also like the ability to play my tunes in the game. They have that Xbox Music service, right? Seems kind of strange to me that you couldn’t incorporate that into Xbox games, given the name. While I don’t relish the thought of shelling out for yet another subscription service, if it allowed me to incorporate my own music into the racing games, I would give it a look.


I dont think this game was aimed at you lol :wink:

I would like to see this since they are adding more stations this time.

I kinda liked switching stations when a song came on that I didn’t like. It would be cool to make a playlist though. It might be fun if they made a game out of it and you had to tape songs from the radio to make a mixtape.

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Yeah in FH1 i liked like 4 of their songs, this list is the same this “indie” music is just awful. FH2 needs more “hardcore” music. Guess im just gonna listen 2 my playlists on my YT channel like normal.

It probably has to do with licensing issues. Because Xbox One has more built-in media features, like easier streaming to Twitch and easier short-term video capture, and with the music industry being hyper vigilant about internet and video usage these days there are probably pretty valid concerns about licensing the songs. If you’re able to make your own playlist then you’ll end up using songs, that will very likely be streamed, recorded, and shared, that you don’t have the licenses to use. Without such a feature, and only having a limited number of songs which they have obtained the licenses to, Turn 10 can avoid these concerns.

Regardless of whether or not you would record or stream your gameplay there would still be the 5 people that would, and they would still cost Turn 10 many tens of thousands of dollars in copyright claims. I believe it was Spinnin Records that sued a make-up artist on Youtube for $150,000 per video, or something like that, for using their songs without permission. A game that has a feature to use whatever song you want would be a huge cause for concern when the platform its exclusively built for can record and share your gameplay by simply saying “Xbox record that.”

Know how I listen to my ‘customized radio station’ while I play Forza Horizon? iPhone > Music > Shuffle


Why they are forcing everyone to listen to this garbage is beyond me but we need to be able to listen to our own music I agree that stuff is crap

Forcing, he says…

You know you can “turn off” the radio, right?

I mean wow, its hard to believe you guys are all so up-in-arms about this… Do y’all have your own custom radio stations in real life? No. You either have CD’s, radio, or AUX like an iphone. So if you’re so desperate to listen to your own music then why does it have to be in-game?

I never have my radio on in FH1. Never had it on when I bought the game. Never cared to try them out.

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