Lotus E21 issue

I am trying to load a new design to my E21 but each time it says it has saved the design to my car and catalog, it actually doesn’t. I back out of the design editor and the design which was on the car before I changed it remains there and not the new one. I have tried this by downloading different designs to it and each time the original design I had is still on their and the design that is suppose to be downloaded is not in the catalog. I switched cars and was able to download a design from the storefront and have it stayrd on the car and appeared in my design catalog. I don’t know if it just me having this issue but it is only happening on the Lotus E21.

I wonder if they’re all named the default Forza title. I forget the exact phrase but “Forza livery,” “Forza paint” or whatever it is. People need to pick original names rather than going with “Forza livery” for everything.

This usually occurs when liveries are saved with the same file name. Try renaming your files to get rid of this issue.

These aren’t designs that I make, I meant ones that you download that others created for the specific car. I tried a few hours later to see if the issue resolved itself but the E21 still is the only car I have having this issue of not saving downloaded designs to the car or catalog/My designs area.

I figured out a solution. I removed the current design from the E21 and went to the stock paint job. Then after I tried to download the design I wanted from the design storefront and this time it stayed on the car and put the design in my design catalog.

I have had to remove all paint/decals as well on the E21 especially to get a download or other design to stay on the car. I think I have had this with a few other cars as well. I am thinking if a car gets too many “layers” of different paints/designs it gets confused. cause as soon as I removed everything back to original paint the new design stayed for me as well.

Search creator MLR Grizzly, pick 1 of them designs, see if it works, (obviously dont need to use it) just see if it saves