Lost Super Wheel Spins

I had 5 or 6 Super Wheel spins I had not spun. I went in there today and they were gone!
Anyone else losing spins?


Yes I lost 10

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Yes, I have. It almost seems that when you earn a super wheel spin for a level up prize, it uses a super wheel spin that you already have saved. I believe I have lost between 10-15 super wheels spins this last weekend.

I guess the lessen to be learned is, use them up as soon as you get them.

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i lost 3 last night

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Yes, posted last week about this. I have lost over 10 (as the screen shows 9+, I have no way to know). I filled out the form on the new support page, and told they are looking into it. Not expecting much. As noted above, DO NOT save them, use them as soon as you get them.


Can we get this bumped? I lost 5, the ones they give you as a loyalty bonus, usually like to save them and run several at a time, did not expect they would be stolen from me.


Wish I would have seen this post before today. Just lost 9+ by stocking them up and leveling up.


I wish I also had seen this. I just noticed today I had 1 superspin left, and I had been saving some of them. Had about 5-6.

This game has so many weird issues.


I have lost well over 10 as I have been saving them and they have all gone very disappointed why does this happen? Something needs to be done.

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Same here. Have lost (9+). Happened more than once now. I’m going around replying to all the posts about this(there are a bunch) so they have more replies, maybe they’ll see sooner and fix. And also maybe less avatar trash in wheelspins please.