So we’ve all been wondering where some stuff from the previous Forza’s has gone. Well, I have may just found out. Of course this is all rumor just for now but here’s the quote…"Forza Horizon: “Fall 2014, probably September. Super sexy weather system and… [Mod Edit - Hieronymus (Profanity removed.)] tons of co-op/social stuff. 1080P and open-world, so you can road trip with your bros.”
Hopefully this will just be a paid DLC add on to those of us who already have Forza 5 but I will be disappointed if we have to shell out for some completely new game.
Horizon should have never been allowed to use the Forza name. It is a completely different game with completely different physics. Guaranteed, Horizon 2 will not be an addon for Forza 5. It’s another game entirely.
i bet ya it will because it is not a Forza Motorsport game. its a different game that will fly trhe forza flag because cars are not just track things. it was never ever meant to be like Forza motorsport and never claimed to be. some people like cars and casual gaming
I get the smashing of horizon from other die hard forza fans but the game was awesome for what it was made to do. It wasnt supposed to be a sim racing game and it wasnt. What it did was branch out and get other players that have never played forza (like me) and get us interested. Now i cant put forza 5 down
I wouldnt be disappointed if it would be a new game, horizon and fm5 should stay separated,
I enjoyed horizon and would like a sequel, so if that leak is true that sounds very good
I never played the original Horizons and was unaware that it’s a completely different game (or even of its existance). I got out after Forza 3 and played FPS and RPG’s almost exclusively until this one. As it was a rumor that I saw that had made mention of a weather system that so many complained was unavailable in 5.
This post was a monumental bomb. Feel free to stricken it from the record.
In my opinion, this is incredible news if its true. While there are so many positives about this, one good unsaid side-effect is the fact that it will give Turn10 more time between Forza Motorsport games. For example, they’ve been working on Forza 5 pretty much since the release of Forza 4, which was two years ago. Granted, Forza 5 is not as strong as Forza 4, but Turn10 had to create a new product under a lot of pressure and uncertainty - many people were expecting it to be better than Forza 4. However, they did have to adjust to completely different software and had to start almost from scratch. A Horizon sequel would give Turn10 developers more time.
If this is true, I hope that Horizon 2 is a much more open world game than the first. Either way, it’s exciting to know Horizon 2 may be on it’s way for this fall. I’d love to have both Forza 5 and Horizon to swap between when I’m not feeling like serious racing even though I still take racing online in Horizon very seriously.
I have read many articles from various sites about a new Forza Horizon, some say it’s going to be a remake of the old one and others are predicting it will be a totally different game from Forza 5 and not a DLC for it. In my opinion Hprizon was a fantastic game and was way better then those NFS rubbish EA was handing out! I hope it is a new game for the Xbox One and has everything the old one had with a bit more surprises! Thanks and take care!
SnowOwl - Thanks for the reminded. I was aware that Playground Games made Horizon, not Turn10. I was simply saying that this will give Turn10 an extra year between Forza Motorsport titles.