Looking for Ferrari Cali T for reasonable prices please

Paying 20-30mil per nothing crazy.

Edited Focus and 12C acquired

you’re definitely looking at more than 30m for the Hoonigan focus because it is S T U P I D R A R E

most likely the rarest car in the game…

i got the gymkhana 10 & 9 if you are looking for one of those

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Sniped one 30 secs after failing on another lol

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Wow you have some insane luck

I’d buy

(The gymkhana 9)

how can i get in touch with you?

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Xbox, username is the same as on here.

Also I’m not gonna be available for maybe half an hour.

But idrk, could change.

Ya I’ve seen it like 4-5 times in the past 3 days. I have yet to see the 12C.

Really? Wow the 12c is rare lol

I don’t really play anymore outside of the 30 or so mins a week it takes me to do the seasonal stuff. Still snipe a bit to complete the collection, but Cod is my main game so playing that more now.

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Why I refuse to pay prices I’d need to grind money for.


im available rn, are u?

sorry for the wait, i just texted you on my alt account

ok :+1:

on xbox?