Forza Motorsport Spec League was founded over nine years ago. Currently, we are in the middle of our 28th Season, and are actively recruiting new drivers for this series. You must be competitive without a public hopper mentality, and you’re looking for other drivers to learn from and a desire to improve your own race craft.
We run with full simulation damage, cautions and with a full points system to give everyone a chance at winning. Also, we use a handicap system to help balance the skill level between drivers in the field. We believe this encourages close quarter racing, with a lot of side-by-side, door bangin’ fun; usually resulting in a different winner for every race.
Reach out to myself on Xbox (GT: igotoneball92) or join our Facebook Group and see if our foul-mouthed, NASCAR-styled hard racing fills your driving needs. Please be sure to read through our Featured Posts including the Instructional Guide and our Ruleset.
How is the racing?
While ramming and unsportsmanlike driving is strongly discouraged, we’ve rarely had issues with malicious behavior. A fundamental concept of this league is that racing can be close and sometimes contact is necessary. We are heavily influenced by NASCAR, with a “Rubbin’ is Racin’” and “Boys have at it” attitude.
When do you race?
We run our official races every Tuesday night at 9PM EST(US/Eastern). The Happy Hour lobby is our final practice, and starts an hour before the race event, at 8PM EST(US/Eastern).
Races normally will take around 2 Hours. Practice lobbies are available several nights a week for the upcoming race; usually starting around the same times as on race night. Look for posts on the Facebook Group page for when these sessions pop-up.
What if I’m not that great of a driver?
That’s OK. Many of the league’s veteran drivers will encourage you to join our Track Day clinics, where we can improve our skills with a Track Walk, Restart Drills, and some Schoolyard Group Practice. Several of our experienced drivers will share tunes, tuning advice, spec builds and pit strategies for the upcoming race. We want everyone to improve and be successful in this league.
OK. How do I get started?
Please join the Facebook Group and/or reach out to me here in a DM/Xbox message. My gamertag is (igotoneball92). Please make sure you connect beforehand, as it’s not ideal to make your first appearance on a Tuesday night while we all are preparing for the race event.
Thanks for getting this far, and we hope to see you in a lobby soon!
-Cooper (Ball)