Looking for anybody that Hosts Drag racing lobbies

Since there isn’t any of the custom lobbies in forza 5 yet, which im hoping they put in the game eventually. I get really bored of playing the game by myself and i refuse to play online games, everybody is either a terrible driver or a troll… so. if you host drag racing lobbies, or you’re looking for drag racing lobbies (any class, drivetrain, literally anything!) add me on xbox GT: CaliFect i’m also looking for a racing league or team to join, i race R, P, X class so add me if you see this and do or want to do any of these.

Check out my site - fhra.webs.com we have a race scheduled this weekend if your interested

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Site is not working… Mind posting the schedule?

Currently working on getting the site up and running again. Next scheduled race will be saturday February 8th @ 11pm EST as im away this weekend

I’m also looking for people to race with that won’t use the e21 or an equally useless race car, won’t rage quit if their losing (causing cars to smash into each other), or run into other players when they can’t win.

Anyone seeing this feel free to add me, I need people to drag race with.

I’m going to add you, Cali.

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I will add u know

Adding every possible street drag racer I can including everyone in here. Hopefully out of the 50 I add I can either get in a private lobby or get a few people together for some runs. Feel free to add me as well. Weaver I’ll send you a msg on XBL to see if I can get in on Saturday nights races, if there aren’t many people in I’ll send a msg out to all the people I have added to try and get the lobby full.

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Im down to drag!!! We drag 8 wide 1/2 mile on Saturdays!!! Go here to sign up!!
