Looking for a group to race with (uk based)

looking for a uk based set of racers as the current group im with arent online much not looking to join a new club just find some people to race with

although im not in a group or club i am running a league if you are interested. we have a few ideas that we want to get going and are looking for clean drivers. the series consist of V8 supercars, 70s GP and Formula 3. i am UK based so there isn’t the huge time barrier however we do do the races more towards the evenings for the day mainly 7:30 - 9:00pm

im in a league looking for racers we have 2 lobbys per event so come see if you would like to join

Shoot me a FR on XBL, I usually race B class hoppers (Lvl 1500 so i’m active let’s call it ) and I have a couple of top 100 times so I’m somewhat competitive. Usually a couple of us in parties, feel free to join in with us

Our community is worldwide but the vast majority is UK/EU


If you’re into league and series racing

thanks guys ill have a look at the links and shoot out some friend requests im not stupidly fast but i give it a good go