Why the Long Beach track doesn’t come to Forza Motorsport 4? There is a paying community willing to spend money on it just to race or drift the track for the first time in history. There is still a community on Forza 4, it’s not dead. We host drift events almost daily and compete against each other, but the lack of good and real drift tracks is huge. We only have Road Atlanta to play with and attempt to host Formula Drift recreation events. We would really like only the track, nothing else. Think this through atleast for a moment. We are not gone… Thank You.
Forza 4 is history.
You may have noticed that there aren’t any Rivals events for this month(April), there certainly will not be any further DLC or game updates.
The game is still for sale, even in it’s reduced capacity. Only $60 at the Microsoft Store.
Long beach was made for the Xbox one’s System which is running on different system then what Forza 4 is so Turn 10 would have had to recreate the entire track again to Fit Forza 4’s Engine
The game is quite old now and adding DLC developer wise isn’t free so the costs to add it to other games may have been too high for what they were already paying to include it into Forza 5
I would Have to agree the XBOX 360 Forza 4 Community Is Not Dead at All ,We Do Need a Track Pack Or two After seeing The latest Release of NASCAR 2014 Why not Do a Old school Oval Pack with a Old School Nascar Car Pack You Could get Irwindale Ca, Long Beach Ca, Willow springs Ca , California Speedway Both Oval and Infield I would Be Ecstatic
And Make a Few Drift Tracks For the People to Run there Nationals On
An addition to that: And if you live in a country where Xbox One has not released yet, you will just have to wait, or buy it in another country and you will have to go threw a lot of hassle buying games, DLC etcetera. For instance, I could get it in Germany. But I will have to get a German credit card in order to pay for a game, as I will have the German Marketplace. On top of that, quite some games are only in German, which is quite annoying too. Just wanted to clarify that.