I’ve just bought my Xbox One with Forza 6 in DLC. I’ve played a couple of hours and then it frozen and the game wont start anymore. The intros are loading but when it starts the game it says; Unkown error - Load failed, Try later.
I tryied re-intalling the game and deleting the saves and diconnection from my profile. It wont work.
have you tried hard resetting your console properly…look for 1 of Snowowl’s posts on how to do so
should do this before deleting and reinstalling your game, only takes 5-10 minutes too
Is YOUR Xbox One designated as the Home console? You may need to remove and then re-download your Profile (gamertag) on your own console, plus make sure you’ve FULLY installed all of the game. DO NOT attempt to play, even if the installation says “Ready to play.” You need to have ALL the updates for the game installed, too. Otherwise, see this information: http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postsm528894_Losing-saves---What-can-I-do-to-prevent-it.aspx#post_528894
Yes i went to the my Home console and did it there 100% sync. Game loads, error message comes up on the start menu.
You know what? This happened after i installed the Ford GT LM dlc. It popup in the game management installs. Was strange i thought i had it installed before. I dont know whats going on.
Sorry this is not working,this is clearly a turn10 issue not a player issue I tried everything Snowowl suggested,spent an hour chatting with Microsoft tech support all suggesting the same thing,nothing works this has to be fixed,i the not right so many of us are losing out
Send an email to Turn 10 at forzafb@microsoft.com explaining the full details. We don’t seem to be solving your problem with suggestions on this forum.