Laptimes suck! plz help

So I’ve been trying to beat my best on Prague since it was apparently a dirty lap. I beat it and it was a clean 1:24. But when I went on the leader board it counted it as a dirty lap… Okay whatever I’ll try again. Clean 1:23… Dirty AGAIN… [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] I should be #171 in America but it says I’m closer to #3000. That’s so unfair.

Try paying attention to the dirty marker, when your lap has become dirty. Your most likely crossing the white line which indicates your lap has been dirtied and try to stay within the white lines so so don’t continue to do so. As far as lap times sucking, just keep practicing mate you’ll get that clean, fast lap you’ve been working for :slight_smile:

Are you using mods
Most will automatically dirty your lap but wont show it


Oh yeah I had a couple mods activated… That’s the stupidest system I’ve ever heard… But my friend had even better mods and he got a clean 1:22. As far as practicing goes, I already know the track better than probably 90% of players, the problem is just getting through the last section as fast as possible.

If you are in traffic the drafting of the other cars will cause a dirty lap. Also if you dirty the previous lap in the last timing sector before the start, the next lap is dirtied and you have to go around clean once to clear it. Alternatively if you dirty your warmup lap then you can hit rewind and that lap will still be dirty but the next lap will start clean.

Which Prague are you doing, full short or a reverse track?the chicane can cause a dirty lap if you bottom out, on the circuit the right way this will also dirty next lap. As said above mods will dirty the lap but xp mods or credits mods won’t,