Lancia Fulvia variants 1963-1976

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Lancia Fulvia variants

This topic is for voting on variants of this model other than the 1968 Lancia Fulvia Coupé Rallye 1.6 HF added to FH5 as part of European Automotive.


Note - voting on polls does not substitute for voting on the topic. Make sure to VOTE above the first post to have your interest in this model counted.

Which body style do you prefer?

  • Sedan (Berlina)
  • Coupé
  • Fastback Coupé (Sport)
0 voters

Which versions do you prefer?

  • Series I (1963-1968)
  • Series II (1969-1976)
  • Coupé 3 (1964-1976)
0 voters

Which engine options do you prefer?

  • 1.1L V4 (Berlina only)
  • 1.2L V4
  • 1.3L V4
  • 1.6L V4 (Coupés only)
0 voters

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: FH Car Voting - Questions and Corrections (READ the first post)