Lamborghini Centenario to be cover car on the next Forza franchise game

It’s not for FM7 nor is it for FH3. It’ll be part of a DLC pack for FM6 when the Car Pass expires. It may also appear for FM:Apex.

It’s promo to get people to buy additional DLC after Car Pass expires. Put, some ok cars in Car Pass and then put desirable cars in DLC to support T10.

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Somewhere in that description it said collaboration, and that implies Playground Games, IE Horizon…

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Sounds like too much has been read into a single word inclusion, in any case no point talking about it until E3.


It clearly states in the titles and in the article “COVER CAR”

That means image cover, boxed retail cover, star of the show. Just like R8 for FM4 and the Hurracan for FH2 and the Ford GT 17 for FM6, it clearly states cover car, not for DLC or promo cars.

PGR5…only one can hope.

right on the money!

all we know is the new Lambo will be the star of Forza’s next game
Getting excited for E3 already now :frowning:

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Just reviewed the video again. It said “In the Next All-New Forza Game”. That means FH3.

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Well, not really… Forza is a “Franchise” of sorts.

Meaning, it covers a ‘variety’ of Forza titles, which “currently include” the Forza Motorsport title, (iteration #6 - which I think has basically run its course), Forza Horrizon, which was no doubt a testing ground for certain aspects. And now there’s Forza: Apex, which is the Win10 ONLY PC version of Forza Mptorsport 6 that will run along side of the current iteration of Forza 6.

When they say, “In the NEXT All-New Forza Game”… They mean just that… A NEW GAME TITLE.

My money is on a game that will unit both PC and Xbox One gamers on common ground, alloying cross platform gameplay.

He seems the release of only a certain number of cars in Forza: Apex. The Win10 PC version (Apex) is using the same OS and software that the Xbox One is using. (States that clearly in the blurb btw) so as to allow greater expansion of the Franchise as a whole.

Expect to see a NEW GAME, as well as the likleyhood of an additional iteration of Forza Horrizion??? At some stage.

But for the Franchise to ‘evolve’, changers are needed.

Will gamers be happy about the changes.?

My bet is that initially many won’t, but there’ll be a large percentage that will embrace the new tech and accompanying changes.

They must gear up fir 4K viewing and that means kernel changes to the current games core.

So it makes perfect financial and future proofing sense to introduce a NEW All-New Forza Game, which will be announced at E3 this year.

I was playing last night, flying around VIR and just thinking to myself…wow … This looks absolutely amazing, even the sand in between the grass patches that have been worn down by tyres going over it looks like I could well be tight there on the track. Even my housemate came in and asked what race on TV I was watching. He seriously thought it was real…

The cars look and sound amazing. Doing a paint late last night, I was just blown away at just how detailed the cars are, both inside and out. I could see the shape and knurled finishes on the Allen Head bolts holding the yards on the GT3 Porsche’…

Yet, in Firza: Apex, it’s now ALL IN 4K…just as well I have a new 4KHDTV… Looks like I’m going to need it.

Personally, I think the current title has reached its peak, any further improvements seem to require a major overhaul of the base system, lifting it to 4K specs, and adding additional functionality between both Xbox One and Win10 based PCs. We’ve started to see the changes inforza Hub… As well as the Forza 6 dash changes that have crept in over the last few CUs.

I could well be wrong, and barking up to proverbial wrong tree, but my gut tells me, there’s something deeper lurking about Microsoft Sudios and Turn 10

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I think the OP could be onto something.

I had watched the video and thought nothing of it until reading this thread. Going back and watching it again ‘Drive the Lamborghini Centario, in the next all-new Forza game’ is written at the end of the video. It’s clearly a Forza Motorsport title too, it says it near the start, and the track driving is clearly FM not FH. When I’d originally read the announcement of the new cover car, I’d presumed it would be FH3 or more likely the FM: Apex that was announced at around the same time, but the video appears to discount it being FH3, and the timing of E3 and the Apex release seems to preclude that.

So options I’ve considered are:

  1. Cover car for FM: Apex, and the E3 timing being when they really push it, even though the game could have been released a bit beforehand.
  2. FH3 still. I was expecting that to be released this year, which would mean the Forza Motorsport at the beginning of the video and the track racing is just misleading?
  3. FM7 - this feels too soon.
  4. FM Apex is going to be quickly followed by a bigger PC follow-up a few months afterwards, which is a charged game with a cover car etc.
  5. A large expansion pack - might seem more likely, but the video says an all-new Forza game, and an expansion is hardly likely to be fuelling E3 speculation this early.
  6. An Ultimate Collection/Gold release they do near the end of a games lifecycle, with all the existing DLC/tracks/expansion packs added, and a few more cars to try and justify the upgrade. This surely can’t count as an all-new Forza game either.

I’m sure we won’t hear anything more for a while, but will be interesting to see what is announced in the months to come. I suspect it will be the first one, but looking forward to having guessed 6 options and being proven wrong with all of them!

lol that is the second time you have used logic to form a fact that actually defies logic.

If its an all new game then it is not FM7 nor FH3.

Something all new that we know about it APEX.

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They’re going to merge the FM and FH series, and call the whole thing “Forza Motorsport”. A total shake-up. I don’t see them releasing FM two years in a row with no FH, so this could make some sense. Open-world when you want it, and track racing when you want it. Would be spectacular.

A man can dream, can’t he?


This is for Forza Horizon 3.
Huracan was cover car for Horizon 2, the new Lambo will be for Horizon 3.

Sometimes some people are confusing Forza Motorsport with Forza Horizon or Forza in general. Sure, Turn 10 could release an new Motorsport every year and i’m fine with that. However, since we can expect Horizon 3 for sure later this year, these titles would rival themselves, which would propably hurt sales for both games.


most likely this is early FM7 hype as the title of the video says “Next Forza Motorsport cover car” we will see come E3

(Also it is in no way for FM6A, since it is a digital release, thus no cover, and also out before E3, and since it says more details will follow then, well… FM6A is automatically ruled out)

Forza Motorsport appears because they show of Lambos in that game. If you watch the full video you’ll see that the announcement is “Lamborghini Centenario will be the cover car of the next Forza game”. No Motorsport there. It’s just a mistake in the title/description. But I wouldn’t be so sure if it is Horizon 3 instead. We might get a third Forza series that is more about town racing.

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It raised curiosity when it said Next Entry in the Forza Motorsport series… I was like hmmmm something other than Horizon and the numbered Motorsport games? I also noted that there were race courses so I kind of think that it’s not Horizon. I can’t wait to see what it will be… Hopefully, something more GT orientated

And now they have edited the Motorsport from the title and video. xD

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Words mean things. It was a deliberate and calculated tease meant to generate hype.

Looks more to me like they’re showing Forza’s collaborations with Lamborghini as thats clearly Forza 6 footage and that the Centenario will be the cover car of whatever the next Forza game is, possibly Horizon 3 or possibly even a whole new entry into the franchise by possibly a 3rd developer.

Guys do not forget 2 facts.

Firstly: Playground games changed their title on Twitter saying that now after creating Horizon and Horizon 2 they are working on new top secret project. Most likely Horizon 3.
Secondly: In the video they are showing Lambos from Motorsport 6 gameplay. They don’t show anything about new game, just the cover car.

I hope it will be open world Forza. :slight_smile:

Have a nice day.

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Jeez, why did this thread get moved to this wasteland where no one will see it?

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