FOLLOW KoolIROCZ1967 in game for the latest designs and paints for new seasonal challenges and FORZATHON Challenges - Download some of your favorites brought over form Horizon 4
FOLLOW KoolIROCZ1967 in game for the latest designs and paints for new seasonal challenges and FORZATHON Challenges - Download some of your favorites brought over form Horizon 4
A few for your Class 5/1600 Baja Bug…
Search KoolIROCZ1967 - sharecode - 259 496 772
Search KoolIROCZ1967 - sharecode - 644 497 119
Good to see you back in the paint booth Iroc - have fun, FH5 is pretty cool so far. A few nuances with the changes to the paint shop, but you’ll get used to them. Just remember before trying to change the size of a shape you now have to click left trigger so it’s not constrained by proportion! That one still gets me sometimes. Looking forward to see what you design in this game!
Good to see you’re back Kool, nice start mate
Nice to see you here. Looking for more of your top notch stuff in the future.
Yup - they changed it up a bit - but got the ‘ol fingers back at it Thanks for the support
Thanks MIDNYTE, not sure how quick the new designs will be happening, kinda been working on getting some credits banked again - kinda hard to go from unlimited credits on H4 to back to starting over here Thanks for the support
Thanks PlageBLN Not so sure about “ top notch” , but I do enjoy putting together clean replicas with my overachieving need for detail
Thanks for the support
Both Bugs look great! Have to grab the first one for sure
Big thanks
Many Thanks, ryn0
Great paints as always. Really glad to see the patrol paint.
Takes me back to Motorsport 4 if I recall correctly, you did some there
Thanks PP You are correct, sheriff vinyls were made way back in F4 - I truly miss those days of F4 - the Forza community was so alive and active, here on the Forums. Anyone remember the Poker Runs ??
New format - same cool paints - downloads and FOLLOWS appreciated
2005 MG X Power SV-R - sharecode - 530 916 552
I love that british Peugeot! Looks very nice. But the other paints are good too.