Just need a push in the right direction

I’m at the beginning of a Tuning Setup and I’m hoping I can use this tune Online in the lobbies. Ofcourse if it’s good by the end it will be shared and posted.

I have my build and if I describe the cars main problem I was hoping for good starting point for tuning.
Car is A Class
weight approx 2700lbs(from memory)
44% front I believe

The car has wider rears than front to already counter some of the Oversteer but it still does suffer a lot.
On power Oversteer is an issue(I have good throttle control)
It doesn’t take it’s set very well.
Slides almost all the time through mid-high speed cornering
Under braking into chicanes it can feel Understeery
Transitional cornering from lefts into rights feel like they are light years away - back end just flips out, spin, crash.
I’ve looked at cause and effect and will continue to and printed off the worm guide to use by my side with the whole tune, which I’ll be trying to complete later. I’ve tried looking at Open Source trends in similar vehicles but I’m just still a bit unsure. I was gonna go SPRINGS, ALIGNMENT, TIRES but then I don’t know what after that.
The start of any tune is very important because then everything else feels built around that first setting and don’t wanna get it wrong because I have already spent a good 5-6 hours with this car. I don’t think I’m trying hard enough to realize the principles in place maybe but I understand them individually so… anyway a push in the right direction to start would be greatly appreciated…

Are you looking to change upgrades or tune the car in its current setup?

Usually for me alignment and spring tuning (Aero too if you need the downforce) make the biggest differences in terms of power delivery. I sometimes start a tune by skewing out the settings for maximum cornering and then move the settings toward speed little by little if its a car that likes to kick out a lot. If its kicking and spinning violently, as in with very little warning, possibly look at loosening up the rear to get a bit of a heads up.

@ToOSk3tChY post it up as an open source tune so we can help figure the car out

^^thanks guys I might open source later but I haven’t really tuned a lot yet so most of it is the original tune forza gave it. 'm hoping to find the settings myself and in which case learn by what I’ve done. Is there any general guidance or places you would look at first perhaps?

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stiffen springs and roll bars

Thanks mate. Might go to the extremes then and work down the scales for the best feel


“On-power oversteer.
Slides almost all the time through mid/high speed corners.
Hard braking is understeer-y.”

To me, this sounds like the suspension that is set-up excessively stiff with low rebound damper(?!?). I would consider adjusting 2 things: Spring rate and/or bump dampers. If the suspension was too soft, the car would wallow like a boat instead of sliding/understeering/oversteering.

From the current set-up, try:

  1. Increasing spring rate front/rear by 10% each - do 3~5 lap test run.
  2. Decreasing spring rate front/rear by 10% each - do 3~5 lap test run.

You may find your answer (or at least find the direction to go = make softer or make stiffer). My guess is softer spring rates will move you in the right direction (no pun intented).

If this does not solve your problem go back to your original spring rates then try adjusting the bump dampers in the same manner BUT increase/decrease by 2.0 each. For eg. If it was 6.5 & 7.2 before, try 8.5 & 9.2. Then try 4.5 & 5.2. You will likely get your answer. 2.0 increase/decrease is a substantial change and it is ONLY to determine if the setting is too soft/stiff. Once you figure out whether it is too stiff/soft, then you can fine tune. For the rebound damper for an MR of 600 hp, I would recommend about 1.5x bump.

IF, this was successful, then you can tackle the ARB for cornering balance.

^^thanks mate I’m gonna try these things out. Before I read this I actually tried a reletively even but very stiff setup as it had been previously soft with rear 25% softer when I wrote the Op. I knocked the bump right down to 2.4/1.8 and the rebound 7.9/7.4. Arb front in the 20’s and rear 6 with max aero. Tinkered with a bit of alignment and tire pressure, got rid of decel on the diff and settled for 15 on accel. That really did make the car feel great and I’ve been floating around this setup ever since. I’ve started to tune it with Tcs off now and it’s so much fun but 1.5 seconds off the AWD alternative which I know can get a 1.52 on catalynya. I wanted this RWD and when I’m done ill post it up because it just is a lot more fun than the AWD. AWD will be the competition tune. I’ve gone through so many builds now that I’d be surprised if there was a faster one out there when I am done lol.