June Forzathon

I have got a problem to get one of the achievements of this month’ Forzathon. I got the Ferrari Cali 2008 and the other car without any problem. But what the pilot equipment concerns, no way to get it. Is there any bug on this challenge? Or maybe an error in the translation?
Thanks in advance to keep me posted. :blush:

There are three current forzathons and three more set to start in 5 days.

Yes but it is not my problem. When I am doing what is requested for the challenge to unlock the driver suit (the one with the skeleton mask), it simply does not work. I know there are some that are still locked and will only be available in a few days :blush:

If I recall, the only suit available requires you to complete a race in a Ford.

I used the forza gt, Ford gt, and won a race to complete the suit, and get the first progression to the next prize.

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And dont use the hoonicorn ford…it doesn’t count as a fird…it’s listed manufacturer is hoonigan

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OK thx mates. Now I know the problem is the translation from English to French (I am from Belgium).
Have a nice day, Cheers!!