I am positive that this is not intentional, has this been happening to anybody else? While I don’t mind the extra cars of which are a lovely selection, obviously something up.
Thats just madness
They dont sell very well though
I’ve had the exact same issue but honestly I just deleted all of the extras because no point in selling them because they aint worth buying.
Sounds like you just got gifted the previous VIP and monthly Gift cars all at one. They look Stock but they did in fact have different custom paint jobs.
If only that happened in real life. “All these NSXs just showed up in my driveway!”
Sounds like some server error in your favor; being gifted all the old VIP cars a number of times over.
Keep what you need and want, sell what you don’t.
Was standing in the waiting room of my shop when I read the title and laughed out loud, scaring the poop out of the old man sitting next to me!! But ya sounds like your getting all the VIP cars at once
Edit: as I’ve had issues with inappropriate language on this site before ide like to point out that the word that has been…asterisised(?)… is NOT a swear word unless your maybe 6 years old
Why is it that the custom paint scheme do not show up till you view the cars and then don’t ‘stay on’ when you go back to the garage view. If your not careful, you may delete a car with a nice paint scheme. Same thing with the Raptor.
If you do buy them from the auction, they display the correct scheme in the garage. Confusing.
If you apply an upgrade, the paintjob should show in the garage.