Hi Im having an issue when I upgrade my cars. The car ratings differ in the garage compared to when Im online. Am I missing something here? I dont see the point of upgrading my cars, only for the car ratings to be considerably reduced for online racing.
Not sure why you’d be experiencing that issue, your cars’ upgrades should stay the same whether you’re online or in solo mode. Did you try rebooting your console to see if that resolves your issue?
Are you on 360?
Its a weird one, I thought maybe there was some sort of restrictions that Id overlooked. The issue remains the same, values of cars still differ. Yes Im on the 360, not for much longer thank god lol
Your personal tune or a download? To clarify, say you see 450 online and when you return to solo you see 500 without any changes made?
I had an issue with a couple of my tunes. The rims and tire widths would not save. I uploaded them again without doing anything and it fixed itself.
I usually had this with a 1 PI difference and it was something with my rims not saving properly. Reloading the tune fixed it. If you have tires on the car they may also not be saving properly and they will cause a large difference in your PI rating.