Is there a way to force a refresh of the road disovery counter

Hi all. I drove around or about 45 minutes last night finding roads. Each road i cleared I received 50 influence points, but the counter never popped up like it does showng I’ve cleared x/517 roads. I double checked my discovery progress and I swear it didnt count any of the roads I discovered last night. Is there a way to force a refresh or do I just have to wai till the very end and see if its correct?

I don’t believe you can “refresh” it unless you start completed over (delete the save file). I’ve not seen that happen but unsure what could cause it. Might matter if on PC or Xbox as well.

Yeah i had this. Then when the achievement popped for finding all roads i was still two short according to the counter.
It’s yet to sort itself out several days later! lol

That was my main concern, that the achievement woulnt pop, but if you at least got your achievement I’m not as worried about it…

@BBTD MitchyK7 try driving around the area on the east side of the map near the castle with a a bunch of dirt roads. I had one left and it was there although all those roads showed I had driven them completely on the map. The orangish or reddish color was completely filled in already on all the roads there. I got it driving around there during a Forzathon live event. I had zoomed in the map and removed all icons. I scoured the map for 2 days and gave up. Then the next day boom…

Also, to be clear the achievement had already popped up for me even though I had one road left to discover. I got 531 of 531 roads discovered when I drove on the very edge of a small piece of dirt road.

Yeah i still haven’t gone back to that area, just redone the mudpark.
I’ll give it a go!