For the love of god, can we please get an option to invert the Y axis in photo mode? The 360 games never had an in-game option for it, but they at least picked up on the system-wide defaults you could set on the 360. Since those system-wide defaults no longer exist on the XB1 (forget your dlna and your media players, that’s the biggest feature regression on the new system if you ask me, as it has a direct impact on gaming), we’re now stuck with the default, with no way to change it, leaving me lurching around like a drunken sailor, completely unable to point the camera in the direction I want it to look.
I’ve been playing inverted since the first game with freelook I ever played (something-or-other in the mid-90s, I’m guessing; can’t remember exactly what it was), and adjusting at this point is never going to happen.
It’s not a huge issue, since photo mode doesn’t exactly require quick reactions, but it’s making it way more frustrating than it needs to be, and just adding another toggle to the advanced controller options screen wouldn’t be hard, surely?