First time i started up the game it worked fine with my xbone controller over Bluetooth…then i turned the game off for one hour to come back to it and now its like its constantly switching from controller to keyboard as i play…for instance if i hold the gas on just the control or just the keyboard it will sputter (not as much with the keyboard but still not really playable) but if i hold both the keyboard and controller gas button down it drives a bit smoother but the problem persists. Also in menus it is constantly switching from press A to enter as i try and navigate the menu.
Things i have tried.
disconnecting controller unpairing and re paring with blue tooth
uninstall and reinstall of bluetooth drivers.
uninstall and reinstall of the game (65 gigs)
even tried unplugging the keyboard and it still kept switching to keyboard as the input then back to the controller at a rapid rate
also tried the controller wired.
no luck with any of these methods. I just do not know what could have happened from the first start up of the game which worked great but now i cant get it to play over 2 days. Thanks