If someone could make this decal on FH3 that would be amazing. It’s for an upcoming touge racing leaderboard me and a few other teams are hosting, and I could do with it on some of our cars. Much thanks in advance!
I can probably get that done for you…
edit- done (sort of- I wussed out and didn’t do the border around the letter in’forza stage’)
That actually looks sick. Don’t worry about the outline on the Forza Stage bit but could you make it a bit closer to an Orange-Gold than a flat Yellow-Gold? It doesn’t look like it in the jpeg I linked but the colour I’m aiming for is a bit closer to the ‘Fifth Stage’ bit in the Initial D Fifth Stage logo.
Here’s what I mean:
Edit: also I looked up the image and it has a white background. Sorry for not saying beforehand but I want it without the white background, I was only using it to contrast the black. Sorry again if this is an inconvenience.
I got the color of the writing changed (hard to tell with some colors because they look so different from the editor to the photos), should be closer.
The white background will be a little more work because a bit of the design is done by covering pieces with white rather than adding the color (like the ‘g’ in stage- it’s a circle with the parts I don’t want to show covered in white). It can be done though, no biggie.
edit- ok, I got rid of the background mostly, but it will still have white in the center of the ‘d’ and in the stripe breaks in the lower part of the main design
Sorry an easier way of going around this would have been to have asked for a white version with a black background so sorry about that, but this is actually sick. If it would still be possible to make another version of the logo but with the black part of the logo in white and the white bits in black, that would be awesome.
Amazing job though. Thanks so much for this. Merry christmas too!
yep, I can do an inverted version too -I’m actually working on one with spaces where the white stripes are, but a white-on-black one would be very easy.
And Merry Christmas to you too.
Seen them all now. Really like them! Thanks again, they are seriously great
good deal- hopefully they cover what you need.