Currently we have a limited storage capacity, sometimes we need to delete great photos to save new ones!!!
I definitely agree I think the developers should kind of up the number of photos you can save to 100 to 200 photos that would you know give people more chances to like your photos or download your photos even use them as wallpaper so yeah if the developers can up the number of how many photos we can save that’ll be really amazing I’m I sort of suggest 200 but probably 300 or 500 or 600 photos will be very awesome because there’s some very talented photographers out there and they probably had to sacrifice most of their photos and their collection so if the developers can update the number of photos that can be taken in the photo mode that’ll be awesome
As i said in the title, the gallery is way too small. We’ve had garage limit update, we’ve had livery storage update, i think it’s long overdue for a significant increase in the photo gallery space.
Just like the livery and tune save file limits, this one must have been ported over from Motorsport 5 with not a single change throughout the years. That’s not even funny, just miserable
May you please add more space for tuning, painting, and pictures as you add more cars to the game,the same way you did with space for the garage. This will assist us players to stop getting ‘‘YOU HAVE TOO MANY SAVED FILES’’ message and forcing us to delete some of our tunes or liveries.
The limits of cars, tunes and paints have all been doubled (and you can still only have one paint/tune every two cars, but 2000 files would probably completely kill the already very unstable game), but photos are still a very random 66 (which is also a profane number according to both Forza and Xbox itself; check it).
It’s a pathetically low number if you’re a fan of taking pictures, and it’s very annoying needing to delete one picture every time you save another one.
Even if it’s doubled there’s still only enough space for one picture per 15 cars if you had a full garage, but I don’t think you’d be taking a picture of 2000 cars and 132 is quite a big (and random) increase.
I agree with you, I hope they increase the space for taking photographs.
They must have slashed the number available at some point because I have to delete 3-4 photos for every new one I want to save.
Fun tip: if you share a photo/tune/paint/event ingame but do not unshare it before you delete it, it will take up a permanent slot in your save forever.
This definitely needs to be an added feature!! Or if we could potentially have a cloud server for photos:open_mouth:
Well, that doesn’t sound like a design flaw!
I have been taking so many noce photos but I am honestly very tired of having to get rid of good ones just to make room for more. Why can’t we have more space?