Importing Designs From Forza 4 To Forza 6

Hello everyone.

I apologise if this topic as already been covered. I am new to the Xbox One scene. I have played Xbox 360 Forza 4 and have made over 30 Million in game cash by selling my designs. Now finally for my question, how do I import my designs from Forza 4 to Forza 6?

Someone please help, dying to get my designs back.

Thank you

Unfortunately you cannot import designs from FM4 ((XB360) to FM6 (XBOne) as it’s not compatible. This was good from T10 in my opinion as there were too many “hijacked” stuff flowing around. You can import from FM5 to FM6 to FH3 though.

Although you cant port them, I believe that if you load a vinyl on FM4 and ungroup it, and click on a vinyl, and out it in the same position, it will correlate on fm6, its not the greatest solution, but its the best one can do unfortunately

Will we be able to import from FM6 to FM7 or is this too soon to say?

My guess would be yes, but there’s no authority on this yet and I guess T10 will hold their cards close to the chest till then. With FM7 (or whatever the identity of future FM’s) running close with the release of the new XB Scorpio, I think there’s a lot of newbies and a few surprises, so we will just have to wait.