First of all, the majority of games I play are racing games, and after playing Forza Horizon 2 and 3, I can safely say that Horizon 3 is THE BEST car game that I’ve ever played. Period. Never had so much fun.
With that said, I have to say that I’m almost done with the game because I can’t play the online part of it due to my internet connection to be freaking bad, to say the least. So I can only (luckly) play against my friends’ and club members’s drivatars.
I’m gonna cut to the chase here. I’m trying to buy every single car avaliable on the main vanilla game (DLC does not apply), and I’m almost there. There is only 19 cars to go. But the thing is: THE DAMN CARS ARE SO EXPENSIVE!
There are those 10.000.000 priced cars, and also a few a little below that range. I’m so tired of racing at goliath, albeit it is very fun to play though. The best I could do was a 6 hour 36 laps race on it, and I was dead tired at the end. I did other shorter races on goliath to gather money. I’m past level 700, so wheelspins are not so worthy anymore and very hard to earn.
Now to the question: Is Goliath Circuit racing the best and fastest way to win big money on Horizon 3 if you’re past level 700 or so? Or is there another route I could take to accomplish my goal?
The best I can do is race at Goliath with my Viper HE with CR boost and also the 2x CR multiplier perk. It gives me around 1.1Million per hour, but it’s too tiresome. Any sugestion is really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.