So I don’t know what happened to my game but I feel like i got a lemon for a game. There are many different problems with my game and have not found any solutions for it. Lets start a list for this…
First off after every race either multiplayer or single player I get kicked back into a solo session. It also does that when i’m in a convoy too with is very annoying because I have to reconnect to their session every time we finish a race. This wouldn’t be a problem if I could could reconnect to their session relatively quickly. But after a race it typically takes 20 - 30 minutes to get into their session and start another race with them.
Second it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to get into a ranked match with a convoy. I have tried MANY different things to see what would work but none have. I think i get the queue for ranked 1 in every 50 times the leader has queued. Honestly it really takes the fun out of ranked having to play with random players I don’t know to be good players and my friends. THIS IS MY MAIN PROBLEM WITH THE GAME AT THE MOMENT.
Third I have not been able to see the Forzathon Live events every hour for the entirety of the time I’ve played this game since the launch. They have never been on the map for me and have never got any notifications for it EVER. I would love to participate yet never can…
Sometimes after a ranked race it will put me in a lobby with all of the players from that session so they can find a horizon life session. But many times I’ve been put in that lobby and it hasn’t found a session so I either leave or restart my game. Then it gives me a ranked ban for leaving the game.
THE SERVERS SUCK… connectivity issues for many people i have talked to, not just me…
The queue times are extremely long for ranked since one person doesn’t accept the match.
Doing the winter session I was doing the weekly event to get 7,000,000 skill points. I was at 6,000,000 (which took me a while to do) then I look to see if I have completed it and for some reason it was reset and i only had collected 700,000 skill points
These problems are making the gaming experience very annoying…