I have a crush on LaRacer

I know she’s a fictional character. But her voice is so captivating and she sounds just like the type of girls I like. I’ve played all 10 episodes of the gaming thing 3 times. I love all of them. I love the Countach one most of all. Her voice is so dreamy. I can already tell she’s awesome to be around and pretty. But you never really see her. You just see her back turnt to you. I love the mysteriousness.

I love these side stories though. They have all been fantastic thus far.


I ship my character with Laracer and my character is a girl (the one with the pink hair) they are closer then friends. I mean they thought they were just friends but the incident at the donut shop confirmed more. They both went after a film shoot for a latte and when they got there they both sat and chatted about the cars and her amazing following on social media. Took selfies that boomed with likes. Afterwards they decided to go for a night time drive along the british countryside. Laracer in her white countach and Emily in her Acura NSX. They found an awesome picturesque view of mountains and waterfalls. They parked their cars, headlight gleam illuminating a stump. They sat and marveled at the beauty of the starry clear summer sky. But then Emily felt Laracer’s hand move closer to her and cup over it as they held hands together. Then Emily confessed to Laracer that she had something to tell her. “I think I like you more than just a friend Laracer” and before Emily could speak Laracer closed in for the big kiss. Slow and soft. Turns out Laracer had felt the same way all this time. As Laracer held her iphone in her hand shocked in disbelief. She took making out selfies that will blow up on instagram crashing all the servers. It was a Horizon with magic in the air. Sparks flying. Laracer is waifu. Laracer is life.

I love Laracer. Not sure why.


God has left us.


And here I was thinking her character is a little over the top. The stunt director is my favorite! I mean he does love my driving



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Honestly just burst out laughing reading this hahahaha truely epic


What great evil did we commit to deserve this?

I need some eye bleach


She is mine. Sorry

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Not sure if Forza community or Forza fandom. lol


Okay, we need a fanfic forum.


Years ago, somebody had thoughts like while looking in a department store window and we ended up with a movie called Mannequin. Learn from the past, don’t make the same mistakes.


Funnily enough, Frasers Store in the west end of Edinburgh is selling off its Mannequins. :wink:

Ok, we need pics!

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Well that escalated quickly lol


What has the world become to?


Somebody definitely needs to make some fanfic art out of this.

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[Mod Edit - Hieronymus (While I don’t understand some of the interests of others, this post was a step too far.)]

Are you sitting down? Good, you’ll want to be sitting down for this shocking news.

It is entirely possible for any single one of you to read the original post in this thread, give it due consideration and then determine that it is not relevant to your interests. It is then entirely within the realm of acceptable behavior to close the thread without comment and go about your business as usual.

I promise each and every one of you that if you chose to leave the thread without finding some way to mock or otherwise make fun of the original poster that no harm will to come to you as a result of that decision. I promise you an entirely different outcome if you chose to continue.


Never thought someone could take this out of a racing game! Horizon is amazing, a bit of everything so everyone can enjoy!

Someone please pin this thread.


Pin or bin lol

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