How do I become a CR Drivatar?

Hey guys, I have a question for you.

When free roaming I always come across cars on my mini map that have a small yellow circle with the word “CR” In the middle of it. I do know that they are pro drivatars or top players but how do you become one?

Thanks for your help!! :slight_smile:

I think it just depends on the type of car you’re in. If you’re a D class car then drivatars who are in cars around B or A class tend to be the “CR” ones, whereas if you’re in an S2 class car you won’t see any (or many) of these drivatars

I’m not sure there really is anything you can do to make that happen on others games. You could try an be the fastest at rivals etc… but I’ve had some pretty average friends as the PRO driver show down, as well as very fast friends (which is expected). So I really think it is luck of the draw, not really a reflection of your real ability.

It’s completely random. I have friends who’ve played FM5 but not H2 show up as Pro drivers.

It’s randomized. It typically appears on cars near the top of the class you are in or a class or two higher. It also means that they are a difficulty or two higher than what you have the game set as. If you play on Pro or Unbeatable it means they are set to Unbeatable, but that’s not much of a challenge then…

Okay thanks guys!! :slight_smile:

But if you were a CR driver how would you know?