How come i don’t have the Barrett Jackson car pack?

It says i have purchased it. it was like that when i went on the game as soon as it was out, it doesn’t say redeem card it just says purchased when i click on them or click the redeem button. can anybody help me? it will be much appreciated.

message my gamertag if you know how to help me Gamertag: freed

i don’t come on this site often enough to reply. so message my gt. thanks.

Nope not gonna message you

Go to the dlc tile within the autoshow and collect the cars there
Make sure you have it installed too

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You can find the cars in the autoshow. The easiest way to find them is to sort by value, and they should be under the 0 CR option (left-most)

Quickest way to add them is how talby suggests, you can add them all at once.

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