Hot Wheels Expansion Barn Find [SPOILER]

I checked out the trophies for new Expansion and one is describing car from leaked car list but not available in HW expansion by start. Barn Find under ||

Thats the Ford De Luxe Five-Window Coupe from 1932 :slight_smile:

Yeah you kinda see it in the trailer. no need for trophy hunting. lol


its not exist in the trailer - lol…

oh yes indeed. like Talby said, head over to the main thread about the HW expansion and be amazed by the screen shots from the trailer :slight_smile:

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it is in the trailer there is about a second where it shows the front grille and then the engine (its not a stock version of the coupe but a hotrodded version with no fenders or hood)

No. The car you see is very close to the 32 ford but it’s a hot wheels car, not the actual ford.

i am very into hotrodding and old american cars so no, it is the '32 i would not get those two mixed up.

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No, it isn’t a Hot Wheels car, the only Hot Wheels car in the pack with headlight similar is the BoneShaker. The grille is nowhere close to it and it doesn’t have the hands over the lights. It’s the '32 seen in the trailer.


It’s definitely the Ford Coupe, it has headlights that don’t look like any other car in the pack, and it has an open bonnet. Plus you can’t really deny the 2 achievements the car appears in.


this has also been stated in the Hot Wheels expansion thread


Be interested to see if you can actually do some decent body mods to this '32. Such as wider wings and roof chop.

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Gotta keep an eye out on the AH when this launches. I think l’ll want more than a single rod.

Depending on how much you can do with it, I’ll probably have four. Lol.