Ok, so I purchased Horizon rally dlc, vip+pass, and tokens in order to get me over the few points needed to get into tier 7 but when I check the rewards and tier points on the Forza Hub nothing has been applied. No points added to my tier for DLC or token purchases. Can someone explain why it’s not working, I really want to receive my tier 7 car rewards for Forza 6. Turn 10 please help… I don’t want to loose out on my free cars for FM6.
Thank you!!! Checked my Forza Hub and am pleased to announce that my progress from Horizon has been updated and all points have been applied to my tier!! I can now wipe the sweat off my forehead and prepare for Forza 6!!! Not sure if Turn 10 actually read my post or what, but u guys rock regardless! Keep up the good work!