The Horizon Festival
Well, this is 2nd or 3rd post in the forum so, take easy with me ok?
So first of all
Who I am?
- My name is Miguel, I’m a guy that had played almost all games from Forza’s Franchise (In my profile doesn’t show it but I had played it alot)
And a guy that wants to bring Horizon Festival to the real world (go ahead and lol, I don’t care)
Probably someone had already thought, why Turn 10 don’t bring the festival to the real world?
Why they don’t do something in maybe Tomorrow Land scale?
Why they don’t do thier very own “thing”.
Well, probably the fans should help in something don’t you think?
So, let me tell you why I’m trying to do this.
- It could open new doors
2.It can gather all the fans together
3.Can do something NEVER seen before
4.Can bring every kind of stuff and people
If you played the first horizon game you know what I’m talking about, so I really don’t know how get this menssage to turn 10 and their guys without the help of everyone.
I’m only asking ONE thing, share, then we can reach they. Share with you favorite youtuber (I know you watch videos about Forza hehe)
I also created a group on the facebook to get many people on it, so we can make some noise on the internet.
link >>> <<< link
I’ll start to post some stuff there tomorrow
so we can interact
Thank you !