Horizon 2 on PC?

Will there be a version on windows any time soon? I’m building a PC so I have no money to get an xbox. I don’t mind if I have to wait a bit longer than console, but I just want to play it. Is there any news of it being on Windows?



FH2 is, again, designed to move Xbox Ones. The differences between the XB1 and the 360 version will be noticeable. The differences between a PC version and the XB1 version would also be noticeable. There’s no way they’ll release the game on PC. Besides which, when have they put a Forza on PC?

Also, I’d imagine they’d have much larger concerns about hacking on PC.


There won’t be any news because it won’t happen.

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I really doubt FH2 will be a PC game too but for the future, Dan and Alan said ‘Never say never’…so keep hoping and you might a see a Forza game on PC in the future.

T10 has said that a PC game could happen, but they wouldn’t do a port. An interview with Dan Greenawalt and Alan Hartman done by InsideSimRacing made that clear.

A Forza game for PC is possible, and would be fantastic for the PC gamers, as well as T10, but as to when and if that would happen; who knows.

(Interview here: Turn 10 - Forza Motorsport Interview - Dan Greenawalt & Alan Hartman by ISR - YouTube )

(Interview here: - YouTube )

22 mins in :wink:


Forzas are xbox are exclusive

When Microsoft realizes the Xbox One doesn’t sell as good as they hoped it would, you will see Forza and Horizon arrive on the PC.



I won’t buy a Xbox One.
I want this game on my war PC.
I would buy it 100 €.

Please Turn 10.
Pleaaaaaaaaaaaase !

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