Here’s a car that’s hard to improve or customize in FORZA due to its extremely inaccurate car model. It is so disproportionate that the wheels are not even aligned with the car’s wheel arches, let alone the inaccurate general proportions from the front end, side profile and rear view. The wheelbase length and width alone are inaccurate. You couple that with the strange shape of the front and rear ends, the abominable roofline, the fenders and the inaccurate head and tail lamps, and you have a sad deformed Civic Type R.
Like many Type R Hondas, this one is urgently in need of a proper rescanning and remodeling. Thank you for listening to the feedback.
It’s next to impossible on console, and the only person I knew who had the patience had uninstalled the game months ago. I used to have it on PC too, but since I got a Series X which was more powerful, I switched to console.
It’s the reason why I post pictures of the actual vehicle in the best available quality while explaining the issues.
It is frankly impossible to compile all these images/screenshots on a console when the amount of vehicle models affected is seriously large in number.
Moreover, the vehicle design/modelling team will and should know about their in-game models age, quality and accuracy. I am sure they have access to the model files to further understand the issue.
Fairly certain that this is meant to be the prefacelift, yet somehow Turn 10 mistakenly gave it the headlights and tail lights from the facelift. Rustic did a good breakdown on the inaccuracies.
It’s one of the older car models in Forza. Honestly I don’t know every line of this Civic so for me it looks ‘fine’. But the comparison gifs do show some differences, notably in the front bumper lip.
I hope it retains some of the customization with a new car model because this is one of the few cars with multiple body kits.
Considering the car in the game is supposed to be from 2004, the post facelift version, the remodel should be from between 2003 and 2005 when the facelift was in production, i.e. this