Right, I’ve tried my absolute best to keep up with everything Forza 6 but I’ve probably missed a few things. Has there been any word on a potential return of the changeable homespace, like Forza 4 had?
Only a small part of the game but one I missed from FM5.
Unfortunately there has been no news on this yet though I hope something similar comes in. I liked being able to change the background and I felt it kept the game feeling fresh and new to a certain extent. What I would like is a changeable homespace like in forza 4 but with forzavista available on every Location.
This is awesome, like others already stated being able to switch the homespace’s helped the game feel fresh and different. Hopefully they have quite a few to choose from… FM6 is going to be a damn good game!
Just throwing this out there…any news or even a hint of new garages? I liked having the option of the four in F4. The two we have are getting a bit stale.
The lighting in both is garbage as well. At least FM4 had 1 outdoors with no roof blocking out most of the sunlight. What’s the point of the Photo Mode in ForzaVista if both locations are crappy places to take pictures?
Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure Homespaces are fairly low on T10’s priority list.
The lighting in both homespaces really bothers me. The pit garage is so dark and dingy, and the Rio one is all shadows. It is a small thing, but I miss the variety of FM4’s spaces.