HLR Leppard's Paints........2015 MR2 Sneak Preview

Age 52
Location SE England
Started painting on Forza 4 in Feb 2013
Real name Tone

LUI COSSIE by i def leppard i

PATRON 458 by i def leppard i

BRAWN GP by I def leppard I

Liegier by I def leppard i

Ludo Fiesta by I def leppard I

Belga RS 200 by I def leppard I

Pilot Cossie by I def leppard i

Nice liveries. The Tequila Patron logo must have been pretty hard. Good job mate.

Here is my Replica of the Ferrari 308 GTB Rally car painted on the GTO.


1 Like

Nice work mate where are your other paints?

Thanks mate…sorted :slight_smile:

Love the retro Ferrari!

That Ferrari is quite nice mate. Good job!

Noticed the Fezza 308 paint in the livery comp. Really nice work there Def and some seriously nice paints coming from you lately :wink:

Really liking that Ferrari… sharp!

Absolutely love the GTO, its Pretty much my favourite car of all time but I’ve never even attempted to paint it fearing i wont do it justice, but you have with that it looks great, ill be picking it up later :slight_smile:

Thanks mate:)

Here is a replica or as near as the game will let me of a Aussie Sedan Sports Series Datsun 510.
File Name SSS 510

Good job here mate I like it!

WOW Def!!! Where did that come from?? Datsun looks awesome!! :smiley:

Thanks Dan :smiley:

Was trawling the net for a paint and came across it,sadly only a couple of decent photos to work from…but loads of research and ended up with it!

A simple Original race paint…more an exercise in Logo making really but this car is my favourite of all time.

File name Esprite Turbo

Thats great! Only crit can give is maybe the number board needs to go a bit bigger. But the car flows and is true to the racer, great work


Nice work mate :wink:

great job on that Datsun

I said it elsewhere and I will say it again here…Totally awesome work Def! Keep it coming!!!