Hey, what happened to my post/thread!?

We likely merged it with an already ongoing thread on the same subject. Or we possibly moved it to another, more appropriate subforum. In some small number of cases, we may have removed it entirely as inappropriate (meaning we moved it to a hidden section of the forum for archival purposes).

The forums are exceedingly busy right now and we need to keep things moving along while trying to keep things as organized as possible.

It’s not personal.

We’ll also be editing posts where necessary to remove inappropriate material and profanity. Though, bear in mind, the more we have the edit your post, the more likely it gets removed entirely along with possibly you for a period.

Again, it’s not personal.


mine disappeared too I was in the middle of writing an apology over my blacked out rude word which I mistakenly thought was okay

Yes, that was me that merged your thread with another. We’ll be doing a lot of that over the next couple weeks and I wanted to make people aware that it is happening.

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How about just actually communicating what the community wants to the devs? We complained about the wheelspins since the first day and now they nerf it more by making it 4x more expensive in forzathone shop? If we did not have merged threads maybe they would have actually taken notice.

That’s not our jobs as moderators. While we have regular daily contact with Turn 10, we’re here to moderate the forums, not act as middle-men between posters and the developers. The only time we would normally bring an issue to their attention is if there were suddenly a technical problem/bug that appears to be a problem for a large number of users and was being reported out of normal business hours.

For thing like feature requests, use the features wish list, that’s precisely what it is for and it’s what the developers themselves regularly scan.

My next post will deal with the merge threads issue.

i feel we need a changing of the guard so to speak the mods have grown to use to their power and is getting abused time and time again posts get removed or moved/ buried in other 100+ page threads even problems and bug reports get this treatment i wish there was another way to talk to members of this community without being removed because of “clutter” the clutter works eg: see one post about a bug must be no big deal then see 20 posts about a bug then maybe theres a problem, just like this thread if u had to make this thread there must be an amout of threads and posts getting removed

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If you think some of us have been at this for too long, I couldn’t agree more. It’s a little disheartening when one realizes one has to keep explaining the same rudimentary things to the same group of people year in and year out. That said, here we go again.

One thread with a hundred replies and thousands of views will always, always, always get more attention than a hundred threads with a single reply and only a handful of views.


It’s an axiomatic truth of this forum and always has been. Did you know that Dan himself has posted on the forums a few times? He has, and the threads in which he, the head of Turn 10, posted in all shared one thing in common, hundreds of replies and thousands of views.

As I type this, the post at the very bottom of this first page had its last reply less than four hours ago. If it doesn’t get a reply here shortly, it will fall off the front page and slip rapidly into obscurity. This is the fate that awaits every single low-reply, low-view thread about the same subject over and over. A brief flicker in the sunlight and then rapid plunge into obscurity.

Want to make sure your issue gets seen?

  1. Use the wish lists for requests
  2. File a ticket in the new support system for bugs/problems.
  3. Quit diluting your efforts and instead consolidate them in far fewer repetitive threads so you get more replies, get more views and stay more relevant.

Merging, contrary to your misconception, actually helps your cause.

Believe me or not but if you think I’ve been at this too long, does it not also stand to reason that in being here too long I’ve learned a thing or two about how these forums work and the developer’s relationship to them?


Or maybe people like you can read the stickied posts at the top of the forum
Spamming with the same issues isnt gonna get anything done any quicker
