Help/Thoughts on how to make a shape

I’m trying to replicate the Ottawa Senators logo and am about 99% done, however, there is one last bit that has me stumped. I can’t seem to find anything that looks right to me, been tinkering, figured I should try and get some help.

What has got me stuck is these black laurels/decorations on the visor:

These are all I have left and it’s bugging me not being able to finish this vinyl group off! So, anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how I could get these shapes made nicely? Any shapes or arrangements you think that I may not have tried? Thanks in advance!

I’ll give it a shot and try to get the screen grab up.

There is a lemon shaped thingy in the community vinyls. Semi round with two sharp points, if you blow it up a little, you have the inner shape which you make yellow to mask, then you use the same shape (an copy of the yellow one, and place it under the yellow layer, blow that one up and turn it grey. Think you should come pretty close with the least amount of layers that way?

Yeah can be done in as little as 3 layers each. Bit trickier if going over a metallic surface, but spot on advice there. Can paste one over the other too without a problem.

yup agreed… yellow circle/yellow triangle… black circle/ then a black triangle … repeat as needed

use the K.I.S.S technique
Keep It Simple Stupid! :slight_smile: i over think stuff all the time. im sure most people do

Let me know if you need any more help with that, Ill see if i can post a pic with the example of the layers i meant… Can’t find that very usefull Vinyl shape guide that we used to have on the old forum…

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Completely forgot I had posted this, hadn’t played Forza in a while, came back to say thanks guys! Got more time these days so I’m gonna try those out and see how it goes!